Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Why Interfaith Dialogue

Why inter faith dialogue

Is an authentic expression of a correlation between conviction and the real world. Which is tightly interconnected with everyday life experience? Therefore faith can be brought down.

As the essence of any religion, encourages people toward a dialogue with the individual and not as an institution.

“ a dialogue “

Is not meant to undermine differences, but a step undertaken in an to establish communications well as an expression of readiness to listen to other people’s views or to mutually respect one another and above all to be open to the views of faith other than one’s own.


Nevertheless, conflict is also inherent in a dialogue while at the same time promising in the end a more mature attitude in facing up and resolving conflict.

Hans Kung:

No Peace among the nations without peace among the religions, no peace among religion without dialogue between the religions, no dialogue between religions without investigation the foundation of the religions.


mungkan said...

I am interested in this topic "why Interfaith Dialogue". I hope that u may continue to work on that topic.

Udi Chyang Maja said...
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Shanghtin said...

zai wa zawmi wa gara de bai pyen hkawm mat sai kung post n mu ai na sai yaw, shakut ga yaw galoi mung sa sa re n ta madu n nga na hpa mung n lu sha ai bai wa mat sai yaw :( :( :(